streamR Overview

What is streamR?

streamR is our unique promotion that offers players the chance to get extra rakeback, a lot of extra rakeback – when they stream our gameplay on Twitch or YouTube.

View more information about streamR on our website

How do I earn extra Rakeback?

The percentage of Rakeback varies based on what kind of success you have as a streamR. Qualification for each level will primarily be based on your total watch time per month, and you’ll primarily be rewarded with net rakeback.

What is Net Rakeback?

Net rake is simply the amount that a player ends up paying in rake after you factor in any rakeback or rewards.

Net rakeback is the % of rakeback that you’ll receive based on the net rake you’ve contributed. When calculating net rakeback, we will take 100% gross rake and subtract the following: 30% of rake you’re awarded through Splash the Pot (or any other amount applicable at the time), your monthly total of cash rewards from the Legends program, any deposit bonuses, and any other relevant bonuses.

You pay €100 in rake and receive the following awards and bonuses while becoming a Level 1 streamR (50%):

  • Splash the Pot: €30
  • Total monthly cash rewards from our Legends Program: €11.50
  • Additional bonuses: €5
  • Total Net Rakeback: €53.50
  • As a Level 1 streamR, you’d be entitled to 50% of your net rakeback for a mothly credit of: €26.75 (€53.50 * 0.50)

The following table shows the milestones to reach each streamR level:

Milestone watch requirements, per streamR level.

Becoming a streamR

Becoming a streamR and earning extra rakeback couldn’t be easier.

Anyone who wants to support Run It Once Poker while streaming needs to first apply for the streamR promotion. Our team will review the application, and once accepted into the program, streamRs will gain access to a personal, private login page where they will be able to access everything needed, including the reporting tool.

Getting Started

Step 1: Get setup

If you haven’t streamed before, or want to stream with our Run It Once Poker scene, we’ve got you covered 😀

– New to the streaming game: Quickstart Setup Guide
– You’ve done this before: Manual Setup Tutorials

Step 2: Requirements? Check.

Check out our streamR requirements to make sure you meet our minimum requirements, including using one of our branded graphics.

Step 3: Start streaming!

At this point, you are ready to stream! Share your stream with the world! 🌍

Step 4: Report your hours

Make sure you report your hours within 7 days of broadcasting each session.


Join us on Discord to post any questions you may have about the program. Our staff and streamR pros are there to help you if you need it.

Our Discord channel: #streamrs

Related links

streamR Terms and Conditions
streamR promotion page on our website

Related FAQs

Do I have to stream Run It Once Poker exclusively to participate in this promotion?

You don’t have to be an exclusive Run It Once StreamR. You will be able to stream poker on other sites, as well as other games. However, there are requirements for hours streaming Run It Once Poker tables.

Are streamRs required to have a webcam on while streaming?

Yes, we will require our streamRs to use a webcam while streaming.

How do you monitor the number of hours streamed each month?

streamRs are required to submit hours on a weekly basis which we will cross-reference with Twitch statistics. We’ll also have team members monitoring streams regularly to verify the hours are correct.

streamR Help Articles